I’m here to make health equity an every day conversation...

My name is Jasmine Leonard, MPH
I started branding myself as Health Equity Jazz (HEJ) in response to the murder of George Floyd. After the events of 2020, I realized I could not continue showing up as a professional who happens to be Black. In order to reach my full potential, I need to show up as my true self, a proud Black woman dedicated to social justice and health equity.
While HEJ started out as a discussion to provide some context to why Black America was at a boiling point, it has grown to become a platform dedicated to speaking truth, taking space, and highlighting injustice.
With a health equity lens, I provide perspectives on current policies, create educational videos, develop presentations and trainings, and more.

Health Advocacy
Before public health and health equity were buzzwords, I was exploring the intersections between Black history and medicine through my studies at Brown University. It was there, that I realized if I was going to be in the world of health care, I would be dedicated to health advocacy and uplifting the stories of the Black community.
Equity Lens
As a Black public health professional, my call to action is to ensure the Black community is appropriately represented in all policies and procedures. While it has become second nature to me, I understand not everyone knows where to start. Applying an equity lens is a learned quality that requires constant education and practice. Let me help you learn!
Soon To Be Dr. HEJ
What does it look like to narrate your journey to completing a doctoral degree in a cool and innovative way? If you figure it out and want to let me know - I would appreciate it. Until then, you can subscribe and read more about my path in my new newsletter, Becoming Dr. Health Equity Jazz.